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Elementary students take music classes and perform two concerts during the school year. 

Middle school and high school students can take courses in: art, band, choir, drama, journalism, yearbook and have the opportunity to participate in multiple productions throughout the school year.

College Credit Courses

Students may earn credit for courses taken through community colleges. These courses may be offered on the college campus, at an off-campus site, or via Internet/Satellite communications. A required class may be taken if the student has failed it in the regular school program. Elective courses may be taken either for credit or enrichment. Students must have permission from the principal prior to enrolling. Students may be concurrently enrolled with the permission of the principal. With pre-approval, students enrolling in approved courses, upon completion of the course, will be reimbursed the cost of tuition based on the following formula: A=100% of cost, B=75% of cost, C=50% of cost, D or F- no reimbursement.

Career Academy

Willamina School District (WSD) offers several career and technical education programs (specific programs can be found in our course catalog). It is the policy of WSD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion, and age in its programs or activities. WSD will take steps to assure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs. The following person has been designated to coordinate Title IX, III and ADA compliance: Carrie Zimbrick, Superintendent 1100 NE Oaken Hills Drive, Willamina, Oregon 97396 503-876-1501

SOAR Program

Student Online At Residence (SOAR) is an internet based program, offering state approved curriculum on a flexible, self-paced schedule on the school campus.  This program has two options and is available for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors.  SOAR - Full day online at school, 10 student limit.  "LEAD ON" - Half day online school/ half day general education, 30 student limit,  dependent upon scheduling arrangements.  To enter a program, a student must fill out a SOAR Application on why they would make a good candidate for the program and submit application prior to registration.

Talented and Gifted (TAG)

TAG means students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience or environment. The district uses the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children, WISC IV, to identify TAG students. The district will ensure equal opportunity for all district students identified as gifted to receive any services offered by the district.

Plan for Talented and Gifted Education

Title One

Under the Elementary and Secondary Schools Act, passed by Congress in 1965, federal money is available to targeted schools. We are fortunate to be a school-wide Title One building. The funds are used to supplement reading and math instruction to those students whose levels are below their peers. The Title One Program in our district provides materials and full and/or partial funding of certified instructors and assistants who work in the areas of reading and math.

Title Six Indian Education

Native American students can receive tutoring individually or in small groups from Instructional Assistants through the Title 6 federally funded program. Cultural enrichment is provided to all students in the school through the same program. North American Culture is taught to all elementary students and a Chinuk Wawa language course is available to high school students. Staff funded through a federal grant in conjunction with the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde also provides tutoring and small group instruction to Native American students.


Science and Math Investigative Learning Experience (SMILE) is a before/after school club that meets once a week to investigate learning opportunities in science and math. They also participate in field trips and the annual outdoor camp in May. The program is targeted at minority and low-income students in grades 4 - 6. Students may apply for membership in SMILE at the beginning of the school year.

Special Education

Willamina School District complies with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Oregon state law in the evaluation, placement and services to students who qualify as a student with a disability. Services include: Special Education, 504 Rehabilitation Plans, Speech Language Services.  We also have a Behavior Support classroom for elementary students and Life Skills classes for middle and high school students. For more information see the Special Education page .

English Learner Language Plan

English Language Learning Plan