3/3/25 From The Superintendent's Desk

Preparing Students for a Competitive Global Economy: The Power of Grit and Agency

In today’s world, life often presents high-stakes moments, much like the assessments our students face in the classroom. With a rapidly evolving global economy, it’s more important than ever for students to develop the skills needed to compete and thrive. In this environment, grit—the perseverance to push through challenges—and agency—the ability to take ownership of their own learning and actions—are essential for success.

Just like a competition at the Oregon State Wrestling Tournament this past weekend, where athletes give their all to achieve success, students need opportunities to compete in a variety of areas. One of our own, Zoey Brewer, exemplified this with her repeat championship performance at the tournament. Congratulations, Zoey, for showing what dedication and hard work can accomplish!

Our students also continue to showcase their drive and determination outside of the classroom. Recently, high school students hosted leaders from West Salem Machinery to demonstrate their skills and celebrate their completion of OSHA certification courses, which were funded by the company. This partnership highlights the importance of developing practical, industry-specific knowledge while fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

On the agricultural side, our FFA students are hard at work preparing for the upcoming spring season. They're planting flowers and gearing up for their highly anticipated basket sales, which will be available in late May. These hands-on experiences are teaching our students about entrepreneurship, responsibility, and the value of hard work, while also giving them the opportunity to make a tangible impact in their community.

Finally, as we approach May, we’d like to remind you that there will be three school board seats open for election. If you’re interested in serving your community and shaping the future of education, now is the time to declare your candidacy.

The road to success is filled with challenges, but by encouraging competition, grit, and agency in our students, we’re helping them build the resilience needed to thrive in both the classroom and beyond.

We look forward to seeing our students continue to shine as they prepare for the future!

We will be communicating more information on makeup parent conferences in the near future.

Mike Gass 


Willamina School District