End Of School Year Process

This has been an unusual school year for our students and we appreciate everyone's contribution towards Distance Learning. 

This week it is time to turn in Chromebooks and library books.  When you drop off you can pick up your student's final progress report and any additional certificates and papers.  If you did not check out a Chromebook or library book, you may still come and pick up your student's progress report envelope.  Progress reports not picked up will be mailed.

High school LEAD and other high school students who are credit deficient and will be working on credit recovery this summer may keep their Chromebooks for the summer.  Please notify your teacher if you intend to keep your Chromebook for credit recovery.

Drop-off Times:

If these times do not work for you please contact us to arrange another time.  Thank you again for all your hard work towards keeping your family healthy and safe.  Have a great summer!

Posted 5/31/2020