FNS to Provide Funding into March
As many of you are aware, there is currently a partial shutdown of the Federal Government. The shutdown has created some questions regarding the availability of School Meals.
The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and Oregon Department of Education (ODE) have provided an update on the availability of funding for Child Nutrition Programs during the partial government shutdown. FNS has provided State Agencies with additional available appropriated funding that can support program operations at normal levels well into the month of March.
The programs supported by this funding include the National School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, the Special Milk Program, the Child and Adult Care Food Program, the Summer Food Service Program, and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.
If you have any questions regarding school meals in the Willamina School District, please contact Lynne Shore at lynne.shore@willamina.k12.or.us or 503-876-2702.
Posted 1/9/2019