June 25-26th, Volleyball Camp
Presented by Gonzaga University Coaches and Players
For incoming Grades 7th-12th, open to any and all.
$100.00 per person including t-shirt; setters only clinic extra $20
Mail check/payment/release form with shirt size to:
WHS Attn: Heather Hughes-Gonzaga Camp,
1100 Oaken Hills Dr., Willamina, OREGON 97396
Schedule Monday June 25 & Tuesday June 26, 2018:
8:30-11:30am All skills Information:
11:30-12:30pm Lunch
12:30-1:30pm Setters Clinic ($20 extra per individual)
1:30-3:30pm All skills
Contact: Heather Hughes, Volleyball Coach, heatherhughesdesign18@gmail.com, 971-832-1400
Jerry Buczynski, Willamina Activities Director, jerry.buczynski@willamina.k12.or.us
Sign Up form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_TEjg6J3R60ZnBnQnhnNW1ad1RwcVZwd1U1eUxQXzk4cjBZ/view